Afternoon light ... sparkling silver
Plymouth hosts one of the most spectacular pyrotechnic displays anywhere in the country as the British Fireworks Championships Finals are staged over two evenings in mid-August. It consists of four displays per evening, each one lasting 10 minutes - thus a total of eight leading fireworks companies battle it out for the honour of being crowned British Champions, after which they represent Britain in the International Competition. This year we were lucky with the weather, although on both days it was rather windy with showers, by the evening it had calmed down, and was warm enough for crowds of people to stand and watch the event - the finals are eagerly anticipated by many thousands of people each year. We were fortunate, of course, being in our flat on the Hoe, we had a birds-eye view! We had Bob's sister/brother-in-law staying with us at the time - the show was excellent, at one point they even had various shapes lighting up the sky, as shown in the video below - see how many you can spot (click on the forward arrow on/below the picture to play ... please excuse background "wow's" and squeals/comments etc - normal firework behaviour I guess!) :-